Maticard Pro

Matica Fintec Software solution is an all-in-one suite based on an open platform which is easily adaptable also for the management of other systems with different configurations. MaticardPro presents a user-friendly interface which includes an editor for the definition of the card layout and a production “engine” who manages the jobs aligned with the machine controller. The software allows to manage in a secure way the access to the personalization. The production output can be traced through a log file and detailed control files. A specific SDK (Software Development Kit) is available upon request and can be extremely useful to develop personalized DLLs.

Key strenghts:

  • Direct access to the main Data Base format
  • Multi-user
  • Easy to integrate with software for chip encoding or for EMV encoding
  • Real-time log/audit traceability
  • Personalized control file for the best customization
  • Compatible with Windows 10
  • Supplied on the control PC ready to be used